A Raisin In The Sun Theme Essay

Mama wants to buy a house where her family will not have to struggle anymore. Mamas son walter wants to buy a liquor store with his friends so he can give the family everything they need. Beneatha who wants to become a doctor wants the money to go towards her schooling so she can help people and prove everyone wrong. Ruth and Travis do not really want anything specific but, everyone to be happy. In A Raisin in the Sun, Mama gave up the $10,000 that she got just for her family.

If you are such a student, you can use our extensive database of written samples to find the inspiration or research you’re looking for. You can also use our tools to come up with interesting topics and points to argue in your paper. The natural family, emotions, and other aspects of physical and social nature appear throughout the course of both stories, A Raisin in the Sun and The Dead. Although nature in has been discussed in a different way as expected, these aspects of nature found in both stories are a unique way to look at the topic. Rather than discussing nature such as trees, grass, and animals, the nature of the social world and of the human mind and human roles was focused on.

a raisin in the sun theme essay

Hansberry wants to express Walters emotions to create a deeper bond between audience and character. The audience can feel pity, sadness, anger, and fustration through Walter in Act 2 Scene 1. Walter in a way helps the audience release the emotions they have too and through Walters questions the audience and ask themselves and find out if this is the life they want. Walter’s dreams are prominent in the play as he is the main character whom the activities of the play revolve around.

Great Expectations Rhetorical Analysis

Although the family moves to the new house, the future is not safe but they are optimistic about staying united to win success and live a better life. Finally, another major theme of the play is confronting racial discrimination. Despite the fact that a representative from the White neighborhood tries to convince the Youngers not to move and offers them a financial incentive, the Youngers agree to move forward with their plans to move into the neighborhood. The barriers between generations and the sexes are referred to several times in this domestic drama and are reviled as weakening the bonds between the family members.

  • The this play was written by, an African American, Lorraine Hansberry.
  • Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
  • The 2010 Bruce Norris play Clybourne Park depicts the white family that sold the house to the Youngers.
  • These unfulfilled dreams are at the center of the play and are the source of the varied problems in the play.
  • Beneatha was afraid that despite her achievement she would still fail.

They took wives from the Moabite women; the name of the one was Orpah, and the name of the other was Ruth. They lived there about ten years; 5 and then both Mahlon and Chilion also died, so the woman was left without her two sons and her husband. During the summer of 2020, she produced a project in which she recorded herself playing each song from Rubén Blades and Willie Colón’s 1978 album, Siembra. She used costumes, props, and of course, her own musical arrangements to create a unique character for each song. The project even caught the eye of Rubén Blades, who took the time to write her a heartfelt letter, encouraging her on her musical journey. Recent events like the worldwide pandemic clearly made the 2021 “Refresh In Progress” event a theme we could all understand.

A Raisin In The Sun: Theme Analysis

A Rasin in the SunA Rasin in the Sun A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry, illustrates the timeless struggle for the furtherance of family values and morals with extreme clarity. The play follows the life of a small black familys struggle to keep their dreams from tenants to owners alive. These dreams, and the struggles necessary to reach them, as well as coming to terms with the dreams that are out of reach, are the focus and driving force behind this story of every persons struggle to achieve goals that … Conflicts in an American FamilyConflicts in an American Family The play A Raisin in the Sun illustrates three main conflicts in the younger family life; they are internal, social, and interpersonal. The conflicts in the story give insight as to who the characters are and what they really want out of life.

a raisin in the sun theme essay

When the play hit New York, Poitier played it with emphasis on the son and found not only his calling but also an audience enthralled. Through this scene, Hansberry makes a direct link to the Langston Hugues poem at the beginning of the book and more specifically to the line “Or does it explode? ” that here we can assimilate to Walter that needs to tell what he has been holding for so long and truly explodes towards this assimilationist who seems to consider himself above this fight.


Walter sometimes drinks too much and is less mature emotionally when compared to other members of his family, as seen in his embrace of self-pity and the tendency to blame outside forces for his own shortcomings. He also struggles with the oppression from within his own family; his mother’s reluctance to share the insurance money so that Walter can invest in a liquor store is seen by him as a great injustice. Despite the more leveled-headed example of his wife, Ruth, Walter is forced to address his issues through the course of the play and, as a result, grows into a mature, more focused man. At the beginning of the play, Walter Lee and Beneatha’s father has recently died, and Mama is waiting for a life insurance check for $10,000. Walter has a sense of entitlement to the money, but Mama has religious objections to alcohol, and Beneatha has to remind him it is Mama’s call how to spend it.

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