OK, But Nick Why Is That Even A Bad Thing?

OK, But Nick Why Is That Even A Bad Thing?

I’m sorry, that was a bit harsh. I’m under some stress in my life right now and I guess it subconsciously leaked into the article, that’s my bad.

Look, can we just drop it? I’m going to explain why it’s a bad thing anyway. No hard feelings. I’m sorry I snapped at you.

Anyway *glares daggers at you*, letting him sense that you’re feeling desperate is a bad thing for a very simple reason.

Everyone wants a bit of mystery.

Ever see a guy across the room somewhere and get the “vibe” that you’d be interested in him? Maybe you position yourself closer to him, let him approach you, and get yourself ready for a night of fun flirting and who knows what more…

And then he totally blows it. He’s awkward. He’s needy. He feels desperate for your approval. He only laughs when you laugh. It feels like he’s begging you not to reject him.

I want you to imagine how turned off you are at that moment. Imagine how disgusted and disappointed you would be that he turned out to be a needy, desperate, decidedly un-sexy person.

That’s what you come off as when you let desperation leak into your text. When you show him that you are too eager, available and dependent on getting his response, you lose the vibe that makes you appealing and intriguing to him in the first place.

Instead of imagining the possibilities with you, he will come to see you a “sure thing” at best and at worst, as a needy person to stay away from.

And that’s why it feels so horrible when he doesn’t text you back. Subconsciously, you know that you’re turning him off, only you don’t know how to stop yourself.

Here’s Exactly What To Do To Make Him Text You Back

  1. Step 1: Take a minute to relax
  2. Step 2: Relax and remember nothing bad would happen if he didn’t text you back
  3. Step 3: Focus on being in a good mood when you write the text
  4. Step 4: Send him the positive text filled with good vibes

Get ready, because just like in the last section, I’m going to give you a step by step plan of how to make sure you don’t scare him off by coming off desperate. Ready?

Step 1

Before you’re going to text him, take a minute to relax. If you’re feeling any fear, tension or stress, let it go.

Step 2

Think about what would really happen if he didn’t text you back. Would the world end? Would your house burn down? Would you never find another man? Would you get really jealous that he texted his mom back before you and flip out on him? Would your relationship be over?

No. Nothing is actually happening when he doesn’t text back. I know that when you’re thinking about it and you’re in the moment where he’s not responding, you feel like he’s somehow going out of his way to torture and hurt you.

But the http://besthookupwebsites.org/usasexguide-review truth is, this is a reality you create in your mind. I’m not saying this is your fault or something you did wrong, it’s something that happens to a lot of people.

When we’re in an emotional situation, our emotions have an arresting, overwhelming effect on us. It’s true for men and women. Seeing the reality of the situation is almost impossible.

In your mind, the reality is some horrible, terrible worst case scenario, where he’s somehow rejecting you or hurting you.

Men are different than women, in that they like to laser-focus on one specific thing at a time. He could just be tuning out everything – including his phone.

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