The 5 Types of Online Dating Headlines that Snag Attention [With 25 Examples]

The 5 Types of Online Dating Headlines that Snag Attention [With 25 Examples]

Did the headline of this article snag your attention? It’s called a list headline and when it comes to online dating headlines, it’s a top performer!

When browsing profiles, on average, 8 out of 10 girls will read your headline, but only 1 out of 10 will read your entire dating profile.

This is the secret to the power of your headline. The better your headline, the more girls you have checking you out. Out of the 4 top Online Dating Websites:

#1: List Online Dating Headline Examples

Any headline that lists a number of reasons, secrets, types, or ways will work because it makes a very specific promise of what’s in store for the girl when she reads your profile.

A nice quantifiable return on attention invested goes a long way toward getting her to check you out, and as long as you deliver with a quality profile, you’ll have a happy girl on your hands.

• I Have a SECRET & It Involves The Twilight Series… • 2 Things I’ve NEVER Told Anyone… • There are (2) types of girls on Match… • 1 Reason POF Makes Me Want To Punch Myself [In The Face]… • The Best Way To [SNAG] a Sexy Guy Is…

#2: Curiosity Makes For A Happy Kitty…

Girls are curious by nature, use words to intrigue them, and you may also incorporate ellipsis (That’s the little dots at the end…) to build suspense or even tension. I recommend you use them whenever possible…

• Guaranteed 5 Times More FUN Than Your Ex! Why?… • Boxers or Bikini Style Underwear? This is What I Think… • To Text or Call? This Is What I Think… • OHHHH, You Will NEVER believe what happened to me… • Why I Delete Your Emails…

#3: Create A Testimonial Dating Headline

First, it presents the girl with a third party endorsement of you. (Even if it’s funny & obviously not true)

Second, it capitalizes on the fact that girls like to know what other people say. PLUS Master copywriter Ted Nicholas found a good headline can perform up to 28% better when framed in quotation marks. So guess what? Bust out the “quotation marks”…

• “Shouldn’t You Be In The Kitchen Making Sandwiches?” Uncle Pop Pop • “Voted Most Likely To Take Over The World…” Pinky & The Brain Surveys • “Mike is Quite simply, a Man’s Man.” Chuck Norris • “The Funniest Guy I’ve Ever Met!” Says the News York Times • “It’s The First Dating Profile I’ve Read That Was Actually Original.” Marilyn Monroe

#4: USE ACTION in your Dating Profile Headlines

Always use action words in your headline. It represents energy, movement and excitement. A gal likes a guy with a ¦ heartbeat? Go figure.

• Guess what? I’m A Karate Chopping Ass Kicking NERD… • Just About To Give Up, Then… BAM. … • Jeez. I’m not just a sex object! • I came here to show off my SEXY photos and chew bubblegum! (and I’m all out of bubblegum) • I wear socks that match AND I love my mom…

#5: Funny Headlines for Dating Sites

For goodness sake have a sense of humor. So you’ve been single for awhile and wanting to fall in love. DON’T come off as desperate. See the bright side of things. Falling in love or finding a great catch should be enjoyable. Don’t take anything too personal and enjoy yourself.

• Oh My GAWD! I’m Team Edward Too! (Not!) • Hi, I’m Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me… • Will Work For Cuddles… • Snap, Crackle, Poppin’ Papi… • OMG! There’s a 50 Shades Reading Epidemic Going on… • We’ll Just Lie & Say We Met At The Library…

To really kick it up a notch mix several of these rules & you’ll get a headline that is just about impossible for her NOT to click on!

If you thought this dating headline info was helpful then you’ll pass the fu#k out when you see what’s in my dating profile kit .

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